This is the trap the girls and daddy put together to trap the leprechaun.
I don't remember "the story" on catching and trapping the leprechaun
so this is how
Leprechaun Story went...

The girls thought of putting their "gold earrings" under the trap, thinking for sure
a leprechaun will come and take the gold. But they thought St Patrick Day stickers
would work and Emma said the leprechaun would be hungry so put some carrots down for him.

The Leprechaun came and left the girls Gold Chocolate Candy!

And he used almost ALL the St Patrick Day stickers ON the trap!
And he wrote a note that said
"NAH NAH You didn't catch me!!"

Alison said the Leprechaun is mean because of the note he left.
Emma said he was nice because of all the Candy he left!

So that's our St Patrick Day!
Next year might be a little better...We'll see!